Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Nature

Why Do Volcanoes Erupt?

Crater lakes, lava flows, and sulfur dioxide: volcanoes are spectacular to watch. But, what causes them to erupt? The question of why volcanoes erupt has been asked since ancient times. While the answer isn’t always a simple one, several possible…

How To Enhance the Lighting of Photos?

Lighting is important, something most people don’t think about, but it can make a blurry photo or overexposed image into a beautiful, professional piece of art. But good lighting isn’t something that can be controlled with camera settings. So, instead…

What is Eco-Anxiety?

Eco-Anxiety is an unhealthy obsession with the environment. Some people who experience it have panic attacks every time they see a trash can in the driveway or see a tree that they think is dying. Energy consumption has become a…

Riskiest Places for Natural Disasters

What is a risk? A risk is a chance that something bad could happen, and it’s important for you to understand your risks so you can take action and protect yourself. Risk management is creating a system that helps you…

Science and the Environment

Science and the environment are closely linked in a number of ways. How? Here are the following reasons: Science is based on observations of the natural world. Science makes observations using a testable hypothesis. Science is organized into categories: biology,…