Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Some people say your outside appearance is a reflection of your inside health. Others say your outside appearance is simply a reflection of your outside health. But what do YOU think? We each have our own beliefs about our bodies and self-image, but which do YOU believe? We are all familiar with the term “food is fuel.” It’s also true that food can be sustenance and that food can either be your medicine or your poison. But does what we eat define us?
If you browse through many nutrition websites, you’ll find that the most popular belief among fitness, health, and diet experts is that your body weight is simply a reflection of what you put inside your body. If you eat a lot of carbs, you’ll weigh more. If you eat a lot of fat, you’ll weigh more. If you eat fewer calories, you’ll lose weight, so they say. This belief is quite prevalent, but many people are getting concerned over the simple truth that most of us know: not everything we put into our bodies is made equal. For example, one apple has about 100 calories and 3 grams of fiber, whereas one Oreo cookie has about 200 calories and 4 grams of fiber.
Many of us would agree that we are what we eat. It’s obvious when you look at someone’s body type and estimate which diet they adhere to, or when you see someone extremely thin and assume that they have a fast metabolism. Another way of saying this is that what we eat determines who we are.
Food can have a major effect on physical, emotional, and mental health. Sometimes, however, people choose foods that are unhealthy because they believe it will make them feel better, look better, or fill emotional voids. In fact, research has shown that what we eat can have a larger impact on our overall happiness than other factors, such as our feelings of self-worth, relationships, and money.
The saying ” I am what I eat” is a common expression used to highlight the connection between what we eat and how it makes us feel. While this saying may hold some truth, the saying itself suggests it’s possible to change ourselves through food—in other words, we’re nothing more than what we eat.
A study by researchers at Loughborough University has suggested that our personalities, our relationships with others, and even our finances could be connected to what we eat. They examined the eating habits of more than 4,000 people and found that the people who ate mostly vegetables had a tendency to be more spiritual. In contrast, those who ate mostly meat were thought to be more materialistic.
I Am What I Eat. That’s true. What we put in our mouths, especially in the food and drink we consume, directly impacts our overall health. Our bodies use what we eat to build and repair cells and fight off illnesses and disease. What we eat also impacts our brains, influencing how we feel, and can actually alter our mood. So, is what we put into our mouths that important? And, does it really matter what we eat?
When we think about food, we often think of what we put in our mouths, but did you know that what you wear, what you use to clean, and where the food you eat comes from play a huge role in what you actually eat? Everything you consume affects your body, and if that food isn’t healthy, you might not realize it. For example, if you read labels on food, you probably know that whole grains and fruits and vegetables are good for you, but did you know that the chemicals used to preserve food can cause problems, too? Your diet affects every aspect of your life. The food you eat influences your mood and the way you act. Your thoughts, your behavior, and your appearance all reflect what you put in your mouth.
Our bodies are made up of many different substances, including cells, fluids, and muscle, with cells making up at least 60% of the human body. Each of these cells, also known as cells, is made up of smaller structures called organelles, most notably the nucleus, the centrosome, and the mitochondria. Our cells use food or nutrients for fuel, and it’s important that all cells have the same access to food, which is why it’s helpful to eat a balanced, healthy diet.